Exceptional Fundraising Consulting for Your Exceptional Nonprofit

In our complex and rapidly changing environment, it’s not easy for nonprofits to decide where to invest limited time and money to meet their resource development goals. Saltzberg Consulting can help you move forward with confidence.

Our Mission

Saltzberg Consulting helps exceptional nonprofits raise the funds they need from foundations, corporations, individual donors, and other sources to accomplish their long- and short-term goals.

Return on Investment

The typical ROI for nonprofit fundraising is 4:1. This means $4 is earned for every dollar invested. 
Saltzberg Consulting's ROI 
Exceeds 19:1

Areas of Expertise

With decades of experience working with nonprofits in the Maryland/DC region, Saltzberg Consulting's areas of expertise include: Education, Healthcare, Housing, Workforce Development,
Disabilities, the Arts... and more.

Newsworthy for Nonprofit Professionals

Great news for nonprofits! Two bills that Elise Saltzberg testified in favor of passed in the Maryland General Assembly. 

Together, these bills ensure that nonprofits can afford to receive funding from the State of Maryland. This has been a major concern, especially for smaller and newer organizations, as the wait time for payouts can be  months – much longer than many groups can bear.

The first to pass was Senate Bill (SB) 112, entitled "State Finance and Procurement - Grants - Prompt Payment Requirement." Its passage guarantees nonprofits that deliver state services have the same security for prompt payment that's already in place for procurement contracts. 

The second, which passed on the last day of the legislative session, is SB0053. The Maryland Nonprofit Development Center Program - Nonprofit, Interest-Free, Micro Bridge Loan (NIMBL) Account - Funding bill requires the Governor to include an appropriation of $1,000,000 to the Maryland Nonprofit Development Center Program Fund the NIMBL Account  in the annual budget bill. SB0053 strengthens the NIMBL bill that was passed by the General Assembly in 2022. 

Both bills were signed into law by Governor Moore.  

We want to thank the following Saltzberg Consulting clients for permission to use their photographs: Athletes Serving Athletes, Baltimore Green Space, BARCO/Open Works, DanceMakers, Dayspring Programs, Holistic Life Foundation, Independence Now*, New Pathways, NorthBay Adventure, The Training Source, V-LINC, and Writers in Baltimore Schools. All photos were taken prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
*Wedding photo - Photography by Greenbird

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